EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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You are Here

Today I believe we have entered a different and new place in our lives. What you’ve been working toward is here! These past months you started out strong, then you cheerfully maintained a steady and focused pace until… you got stuck. It was normal for you to get stuck. Feeling stuck was actually a signal for you to push to your breakthrough. Breakthrough out of past mindsets. Breakthrough out of bad decisions that’s been causing you calamity and chaos. Breakthrough from anxiety that tormented your mind and whispered you weren’t good enough to get to TODAY! BUT you made it! Do you realize today is a new day? It’s not what you’ve been doing; it’s what you’re about to do. This is it! Look around…. You’re about to create your next stepping stone.

There’s no need to be anxious because everything you need to accomplish your goals, vision and destiny is complete. Touch your heart. It’s in there! Touch your mind. It’s in there! Think back for a brief moment over significant events that you’ve experienced. Even think about the hard and difficult times. It’s okay because whatever you need to accomplish what you are purposed to do has been developing through those great and not so great moments.

The stepping stone you’re creating today will run rings around the last one. You are HERE!

I am here with you.

I am here to guide you, coach you, pray with you, train and equip you using the gifts you already have. It’s in there; but now is your season to manifest your next stepping stone and transform those unique talents for this new day.

Sign up for group or individual coaching sessions and let’s ignite your transformation. It’s your turn to Live Life Today!

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com.