Shiny things

I had a disturbing encounter. One that only confirmed earlier convictions, leading me to acknowledge some misplaced desires I had been holding on to. I believe misplaced desires can spill over into the workplace, family experiences and personal life goals. Now, no need feeling condemned. Let’s be transparent - It happens to all of us! Our MOST important step is ALWAYS how we respond to failure, missteps, and mistakes. Remember we are all in this transformation together. When we admit limiting beliefs have crept into our lives; we can allow a simple process to follow. Forgiveness first; to our God and to ourselves (soooo important); turning from the limiting thoughts and behaviors then point us to restoration. We must believe - - start imagining, the awe healing moment in the areas we need. For instance, I released the misplaced desire for a place at the corporate table that could’ve left smart bright-eyed coworkers behind who actually share my work model of success. And I released the misplaced desire to have family events that only wore out my kids who began to feel enslaved to attend. What’s yours? Maybe a misplaced desire to attend a party that puts your best friend outside the straight and narrow path of sobriety and holistic fun! Don’t worry, as we let our shiny things emerge, the limiting beliefs will begin to tarnish. Just know the healed areas from misplaced desires will soon catapult you back on your stepping stone toward your destiny. It’s a process, but oh such a cleansing one!

I had been receiving spiritual nudges in my heart throughout the past week about the many faces and forms of misplaced desires that lead to greed and gluttony. Whether spiritual or physical, seduction can ensue as a result of our shiny things. We all have our own ”shiny things” of excess and indulgence. They lead our souls wandering, eventually binding us to the very place and blinding us from the very goals and people we should cling to for our true purpose. The “what” of our eternal existence. What blinds humanity to the vile nature of entitlement? What binds hearts until it becomes noxious from wrong motives, motivation and intent?

As I worked this nudging out, I began to see a solution and faint light growing, glowing ahead. I began to see and feel my heart being stretched in the tugging. I began to understand that my heart was being enlarged to rightly fit the unseen precious opportunities that were being placed before me. Another awe moment - - we function at the level we understand. But it was at the threshold of my next journey that my eyes opened to a higher level of insight. I saw empathy being extended like a gentleman’s hand bidding me to enter His carriage of strength and overcoming. I forsook the faulty programming that so easily slipped into my life over time and decided to grab hold of a higher existence -- understanding and sharing in the feeling of others. The greed and gluttony was disestablished at that moment. Another awe moment!

Let’s pause with gratitude believing our eyes are being unveiled and our hearts are being stretched at our workplaces, in our family and friendship circles. I believe from all of the wonderful posts I’m reading that we are now deciding to stretch our hearts to know righteousness, peace and joy in our lives. I see us walking toward a brighter, better shinier light and more fulfilling journey! I love it when his spirit touches that one thing in me - that needful thing - allowing me to understand how I can best impact the lives of others.

At this moment consider the sweet delicacies and their intentions. Let your appetite unceasingly yearn for and be filled with love, peace, and the brightness of joy. Share your portion with your coworkers, family and dear friends today. Affirm that you will not hold on to anything too tight that suffocates the wondrous opportunities and gifts God has for you. Open your arms, hearts and spiritual eyes to rightly hold, feel, and see the truest pleasures of your life.

Today delight your appetite in Living a genuinely full Life!

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at

Eugenie Encalarde