How To Foster Good Conflict

Are you trying to have a conversation that transforms rather than ends up in more confusion, less hopeful?

You want clear solutions that are innovative, productive + wrapped in faith!

OKAY, your breakthrough tip is here today - - Let’s get right to it!

#I It’s time to discover your LOVE LANGUAGE for work and business!

Knowing the Love Languages of your team can be a tremendous help when working remotely and expressing good conflict.

First coined by Gary Chapman, love languages are the ways we communicate based on how we express and understand love. Part of cultivating your emotional intelligence is being able to recognize your emotional needs and the needs of others.

What is your love language?

If you’re feeling undervalued and overworked, it’s time to know how to best communicate what you need to improve your work performance and reduce your stress level.

If you’re mentally exhausted, emotionally feeling the effects of COVID and physically burn-out, take the test and learn the most effective ways you can share the ‘love language concept’ at work or in your business with your team today.

If your team gets a little itchy using the words “love” in the workplace, how about replacing it with the word “appreciation”?

In my many years researching team dynamics and coaching teams, I am seeing an increase in emotional blockers that need to be transformed into positive emotional drivers that can hold teams together. In this season, in addition to your skills and abilities, you need to uplevel your psychological safety and embrace spiritual development so you can positively contribute to upgrading your workplace culture. Broaden the perception of your own identity. You’ll create more value for your team and business.

Foster Good conflict:

- with a two-way conversation.

- talking beyond 5 minutes of chit-chat.

- using active, reflective + empathetic listening.

- with both the process-oriented + goal-oriented approach. Learn how to link them.

- and liberate the culture so you can thrive, not just survive.

Integration is a keyword for 2021. 

First, come into alignment with who you are as a Blended Self. If you don’t begin to work on this whole-heartedly, there will be [professional, personal + spiritual] blockages that you won’t be able to rightly divide in the big-picture destiny you’re working toward. You can be a change agent! 

Take the official Love Languages quiz HERE.

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© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at

Eugenie Encalarde