EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Renew Your Mind

Oh my, it’s that time again. Although given the past 20 months, you may not be sure what time you’re really engaged in. I mean, having talked to you about transformation over three years ago, and here you stand at the precipice of what is finally feeling like your momentous entry into transformation!

Great, let’s DIG IN.

I have heard many around you shrug off transformation as not embracing or accepting yourself. WRONGgggg! That’s not at all what I meant. So hey, I get it. I need to explain what I SEE my clients doing when they say yes to Total Transformation.

First, transformation is based on a strong desire to have a solid foundation from which to build your destiny, dreams, career, strong relationships, or whatever your One Big Thing is that’s burning in your heart. It’s different for each of you. Yet, there are basic strengths you need to have established before launching deep into total transformation.

You must accept and value yourself.

That’s right! God created you, and I’m here to shout it from my rooftop, you are not a mistake. You may be wondering, “ what exactly did he create, because I don’t seem to have that twinkle of confidence deeply anchored in my soul?” I hear you. There are face-in-the-mirror moments when you just don’t see what others see. You don’t see what I see. You are focused on the past mistakes, shortcomings on blast, average skills that need to be stretch a bit, and maybe a waistline that’s really fighting to get in those favorite pair of jeans instead of buying a newer version of awesome.

Guess what?

When I see you, I see unique, different, set apart, and a splash of greatness ready to burst through like a rainbow. Yes, I do! But it’s MUCHO important that you see it too. Acceptance and valuing your gifts/ abilities are breakthrough keys to launching into your life journey of total transformation.

You have to cleanse the limiting beliefs and break wrong mindsets.

Huge, right? Yes, lovely it is! 😉 There are so many thoughts throughout the course of a day that you must let roll away or frankly, dump it in the trash. It’s just an outright lie. But you’re repeating it over and over like a bad song you’re hearing in the dentist chair. Ouch! I mean, have to put that thought on trial, and ask it to show you clear evidence that it’s true.

You’ve let too many negative beliefs slide past your godly filter of “Is this voice building you or trying to break you?”

Emotions have been scientifically described as a see-saw of up and down, and we’re told that we must learn how to let them have their own party of high and lows without accepting their invitation, AND give our focus to a truer celebration of transformation.

You have to learn how to negotiate difficult conversations with difficult people.

Some setbacks happen because you haven’t learned the negotiation skills required to overcome a challenging experience or person. But wait! It doesn’t mean you can’t, it just means you need to learn how.

You have to cultivate a different perspective of failure. Assessing the lesson, while loving yourself along the way to victory - - this is the only way you’re going to gain clarity. Difficult conversations are won when you drop making them emotion-focused and reposition your goal to make the interaction a problem-focused one.

Your solution should lean forward and your heart should desire that the greater good rise out of the divine moment. Believe God is nurturing you so that transformation, although different than you originally expected, will result in you authentically motivated to shift any negative atmosphere into a miraculously winning one.

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